“Take my job, please.”
One fine day my writing partner said, “Dave, if you can teach producers how to break story, you can teach anyone!” So I’ve started doing just that. And a little bit more.
Writing Characters Out of Your Control - Don’t Let A.I. Take Your Job - Getting The Most From Your Writers - Writing Is Lying With Structure
What participants have said:
“David was a tremendous speaker, illustrating every point he made with great clarity and humour.”
“David’s workshops are inspiring, accessible at any stage of writing, and very entertaining. Thank you!”
“Well done tricking us all into coming up with characters who had a unique voice and held a specific point of view - neither of which were anywhere near my own.”
“David was warm, engaging and I learned tricks that instantly sparked. His comedic anecdotes were superb, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend another workshop with him.”
“All Producers and Script Editors should take his workshop on how to give notes to writers. Imagine your writers are cars. Now imagine they’re all getting better gas mileage. Now imagine that’s thanks to a drive in tune up of yourself. Thank you for the wonderful energy & humour.”
“Thanks to David I now have a creative muse to bounce ideas off…myself!”